Before you come to Ibiza you need to book your accommodation and also remember your guests that travel with you will need accommodation as-well. The Island has a huge amount of accommodation for all styles and budget.
Two things you need to keep in mind the peak months on Ibiza are June, July and August and these are also the most expensive times for accommodation. Therefore we recommend you have your wedding just outside of the peak season like May or September when the weather is perfect for a wedding!. You can choose between an apartment, hotel or private location. For group accommodations many places offer discounts.
Here we can contact any accommodation type on the Island with our knowledge of the Island and working with our other sites, Ibiza holidays and Ibiza-hotels-spain which have been established online for over 14 years we can find you your accommodation needs when it comes to big groups or parties. As we know very well booking a hotel or apartment online for over 50 or even 20 people can be difficult and in most cases no discounts will be given.
We work with some of the best hotels and apartments on the Island to help you book all your family and friends into some great priced accommodation.