Fiestas and Holidays on Ibiza

Already known very well as the clubbing party Island, Ibiza does have another selection of party’s not related to clubs. Like the rest of the world Ibiza gets its holidays over the year for the many big celebrations that are celebrated all round the world, like new year, Easter, religious holidays and of course Christmas. But on the Island of Ibiza we have a day for each town, which is a day to remember and that particular town will have two or three day party which always ends in a firework display.
These events are great days for the towns and especially you the visitor. A typical celebration will have a selection of events throughout the day along with markets, games and all types of food being sold. Each town does it different and that’s what makes each one different and exciting. Ibiza town hold the biggest one in the month of August, but equal to that fun, small resorts like Cala Llonga and Es Cana hold a memorable party. These parties are not to be missed if you are on the Island during one of these fiestas.
Banks and most major businesses on the Islands will close during these holidays.

See below a special list of holidays and fiesta celebrations on Ibiza.


1st January – New year’s day
6th January – Epiphany
17th January – Patron Saint’s day in San Antonio
21st January – Patron Saint’s day in Santa Ines.


12th February – Patron Saint’s day in Santa Eulalia. Carnival season for the whole of Ibiza.


19th March – Patron Saint’s day in San José. This is a national holiday throughout Spain.


2nd April – Patron Saint’s day in San Francisco de Paula (the little village on the way to Salinas)
5th April – Patron Saint’s day in San Vicente
23rd April – Patron Saint’s day in San Jorge. The day of Saint George is celebrated in all the San Jorges throughout Spain, traditionally books are sold on the streets for a special price.


1st May – Mayday
1st Sunday – Flower festival in Santa Eulalia
2nd Sunday – Patron Saint’s day in Puig den Valls.


21st – 24st June – John the Baptist’s day (San Juan) in Ibiza Town
23rd June – Throughout Spain, the start of the summer is celebrated with fireworks.
24th June – Patron Saint’s day in San Juan.


10th July – Fiestas de San Cristobal in Es Cana
16th July – Nuestra Señora del Carmen.
25th July – St. James’ day (San Santiago), the Patron Saint of Spain.


5th August – Patron Saint’s day of Nuestra Señora de las Nieves of the main cathedral in Ibiza Town. This is one of the best and most spectacular festivals of the year and right 8th August, with a massive firework display.
10th August – Patron Saint’s day in San Lorenzo
15th August – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Asunción de la Virgen); Patron Saint’s day in Cala Llonga
16th August – Carmen-holiday with a procession of ships in Ibiza Town harbour
24th August – Fiestas de San Bartolomé in San Antonio
28th August – Patron Saint’s day in San Agustin


8th September – Patron Saint’s day in Jesús
14th September – Patron Saint’s day in Santa Cruz
21st September – Patron Saint’s day in San Mateo
29th September – Patron Saint’s day in San Miguel


12th October – The discovery of America by Columbus in 1492 celebrated all over Spain
24th October – Patron Saint’s day in San Rafael


1st November – All Saints Day (Día de los Santos)
4th November – Patron Saint’s day in San Carlos
16th November – Patron Saint’s day in Santa Gertrudis


6th December – Day of the Spanish Constitution
8th December – Immaculate conception (Immaculada Concepción)
24th – 25th December – Christmas